"Redemption, Hope, Health and Financial Security” is what the Health Coverage Foundation provides. Our mission is to save the lives of children globally who are part of human trafficking. In the United States of America over 451,000 children went missing in 2019. In the word of God, we are to look after children as they are God's angels (Matthew 18:10). At the HCF, we support private operations to save these innocent children and return them safely to their families. We also help provide affordable health solutions as there are currently more than estimated 50 million+ people that are without health coverage today. We are blessed to work with many trusted partners to offer inexpensive health plans for those in need... We Believe in the authority of Scripture and the sanctity and dignity II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 139:13-14 "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”Attributed to Edmund Burke, including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961. |